Normal Delivery and C-Section

Written by Deborah Northcutt

May 20, 2010

Giving birth is one of the most rewarding and and hardest part of a woman’s life,its growing and caring a new life on the womb. It is strenuous, exhausting work feeling but in the end it is the most wonderful thing that happens on the entire human life. There are different process of giving birth it may be normal delivery or thru cesarean section.

Labor is a physiologic process during which products of conception which is the fetus are expelled outside the human body specifically from the uterus. There are three stages of labor, and you have to go through all three stages to get to the final outcome, the baby. The length and duration of these three stages may differ slightly for each woman. Infants born between the 36th to the 39th week are considered as being normal deliveries.

There are three periods in Giving Birth first is the dilatation period, Expulsion or press periods and lastly is the after birth period.  The mother  when giving birth is usually positioned supine with her knees bent or is sometimes called  dorsal lithotomy position.though delivery can occur with the mother in any position, including the lateral or sims position,  the partial sitting or squatting position, or on her hands and knees. Although an episiotomy
an incision on the vagina continuous with the vaginal introitus  used to be routinely performed at this time to aid normal expulsion of baby.

Another type of delivery is cesarean section is a surgical way or procedure in which it is made through abdomen to facilitate giving birth when vaginal or normal delivery is not possible cause it may risk the mothers or the baby’s life in some circumstance.there are different kinds of cesarean section classical caesarean section  uses longitudinal incision which permits a larger space to expel the baby. another type is the lower uterine segment section which is the most common type that is used today it is a transverse cut just above the bladder and thus results to minimal blood loss.

Emergency Caesarean section is a Caesarean performed once labour has commenced. and also crash Caesarean section its a Caesarean done in an obstetric emergency, when there is complications in normal delivery on the onset of labor and thus rapid intervention is needed to prevent childs or infants death and have safe delivery.

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