Designing a Non-Toxic Nursery

Written by Deborah Northcutt

February 4, 2010

You’ve spent your entire pregnancy taking care of your body for the birth of your baby. Now the next step would be to make your baby’s new environment healthy.

Newborns spend a large portion of their early life in the nursery so you want to keep it as healthy as possible. This is a very important task! Creating a non-toxic environment for baby helps to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals. Here are some things that you want to make sure are non-toxic for your baby.

Check and see if it has met mandatory safety standards. Cribs manufacturers often ask organizations such as the JPMA (Juvenile Products Manufactures Association) to test products and materials to ensure their safety.

Having an organic mattress is essential for a non-toxic nursery. Conventional crib mattresses are usually made with petroleum-based chemicals (polyurethane foam) that have been linked to childhood health problems. They are also highly flammable and treated with harsh industrial fire retardant chemicals. Organic crib mattresses are recommended by physicians.

Organic crib bedding is becoming more popular but there are not a lot of options for colorful designs for the organic nursery. Many organic bedding pieces are sold as separates.

You can use no VOC wall color to bring the color in the room. With low or no VOC paint, you will recognize the difference as it is being painted as there will be no smell or odor. But you will have to use an additional coat of paint for deep colors.

Creating a non-toxic nursery is so much easier now than before. With this information, you should be able to create a healthy, non-toxic nursery for you newborn!

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