Double Baby Strollers: The Best Way to Transport Your Baby

Written by Deborah Northcutt

August 19, 2010

Baby jogger strollers are considered essential mode of transportation for babies. Mothers need this light three or four-wheeled, often collapsible chair-like carriage for transporting their kids wherever they go. Growing families starting from one baby up to two and three more additions really need the services of baby strollers. This is the most practical way of bringing the kids to the mall while shopping and to the grocery while buying household and school needs for the small children. The problem of making travel easier is solved with the use of baby strollers.

If your growing family involves 2 children or twins, then a double baby stroller is what you are looking for. This baby stroller is just perfect for you and your kids; just like the Graco baby stroller and Baby Trends stroller. These strollers are very practical because it solves the problem of moving your kids around in a safe manner. When there is a need to travel bringing all of the kids, travel is easier because it allows you to bring only one stroller instead of two separate ones. This single stroller is ideal for twin use where all the essential features that you need in a stroller can be found.

These double baby strollers are ideal for active families because it can be brought indoors or outdoors. When the family is out shopping or strolling outdoors, whether walking around or jogging as a regular exercise, the kids can be easily brought along. It can also be used everyday for quick trips to other places like dropping the kids to school or going to the clinic and pharmacy since it can be easily stored at the back of the car. It is also lightweight and easily folded which is very ideal when the family wants to have a long travel or a vacation. The Graco baby stroller and Baby Trends stroller are ideal for use from newborn up to 5 years old but it can still be used for older children weighing up to 40 pounds

These baby jogger strollers have durable frame needed to carry the weight of both babies. Aside from that, it can be easily folded therefore storing at the back of the car or when brought on the plane is very quick and easy. It even stands on its own because of its self-standing fold capacity. It is resistant against any weather, resistant from any stains, though it can be easily washed when stained and flame retardant. Assembly is easily done because it doesn’t require special tools to assemble it. It is made of padded polyester seat cover which can be easily cleaned with water. The front seat is reversible into 2 position front, full recline back, and 2 back seats and it is easily converted from forward facing to rear facing with no bending necessary. Its safety features include the front wheel suspension, 4 lockable wheels that keep the stroller stable when stopped; buckle closure, puzzle lock closure; 3-point front seat and 5-point rear seat harness. The wheels are removable and swivel-type for easy mobility and maneuverability. It is equipped with a canopy, a foot rest, pockets for storage, a basket for placing goods, parent cup holder and tray, and cup holders for the kids.

These double strollers are the most ideal for 2 kids and twins and mothers made the right choice when they buy these strollers because of its safety and convenient features.

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