Good Exercises for Your Babies

Written by Deborah Northcutt

April 12, 2010

Exercises for babies are indeed crucial yet it is very important for their development and motor skills.  It is recommended that babies should flex their muscles at least half an hour each day, it may not be all at once but should be spontaneous. The exercise could be incorporated as a play so that you both enjoy the moment together, thus, it will also serve as a bonding moment for babies and mothers. The exercise should never strain your babies, each movement they make must be with accordance to what they can give until they will upgrade from crawling to walking.

Here are a few examples of some exercises which can be suitable for your babies.

  1. Crawling – A baby who attempts to crawl can naturally enable his muscles to stretch since he will push hard together with his arms and feet. You could roll a ball towards his direction so he can flex his muscles and reach for the ball.

  2. Standing/Walking – In about 9 months, a baby can make an effort to stand while holding on to something. Always make him safe, avoid the stairs most especially. Assist him with a safety crib or let him walk on a well-padded baby bedding. But always remember not to over exercise him, always allow him to sit. You might be over excited to see him walk but never strain him for that.

  3. Jumping – toddlers love to play. It is congruent for work in adult.  Jumping is an advanced activity that practices their motor skills. It can be more enjoyable when you put on some music and rhythm.

  4. Swimming – Give your babies a chance to enjoy the water. Swimming is a good exercise and at the same time a very good bonding activity for your family. This activity is less strenuous but it allows an overall body workout for your baby.

Keep in mind, never to strain your babies with these exercises. Make these your bonding activity, which both of you can enjoy. Starting early with exercises is a good habit it enables them to become more active as they grow older.

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