How to Have Twins

Written by Deborah Northcutt

May 26, 2010

Mothers don’t have the choice when they are going to have a single or multiple pregnancies. However, there is a way to increase the chances of having one. Most people consider having a baby is a joy in the lives of the couple but much more so when they’re having twins or multiples.

There are some ways to be considered to increase the odds of having twins. Here are some tips to follow if you want to conceive twins the natural way:

1.     Observe your body processes. Monitor the female cycle of reproduction so that you will know the proper time for sexual intercourse. This increases the awareness of having sex when the woman is fertile increasing the chance of conceiving a baby or twins.

2.     Study your family history. If the mother has a history of fraternal twins in the family, then most likely, she can also conceive twins on her own.

3.     Take note of the foods to be eaten. Cassava, is a type of root crop or yam that is found to increase ovulation. In a region in Africa, where cassava is a staple food, women have the highest rate of having had twins than anywhere in the world.  Drinking milk and eating beef also increases the odds of conceiving twins. The natural properties of milk are thought to stimulate the ovaries and encourage the production of multiple eggs for conception. However, you should maximize your intake of healthy foods for optimum nutrition thereby increasing the chances of carrying twins to full term. Your body needs a good supply of nutrients to conceive and nourish two babies.

4.     Take supplements like folic acid. Folic acid taken at least one month before conception has been shown to increase the likelihood of having twins. Folic acid is taken on a daily dose since this is important for any healthy pregnancy for the absorption of Iron needed to form hemoglobin, a component of red blood cells.

5.     Breastfeed your infant.  Fertile women who are breastfeeding increase their chances of producing twins. So for nursing mothers who want to have twins, keep nursing your infant or toddler.

6.     Gain weight. Women with higher fat percentages or those who are a little overweight are more likely to have twins.

7.     Try to conceive twins in your late 30’s or early 40’s. Women who already have had children and are slightly older are more likely to have twins.

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