Which Car Seat is the Best Choice For Your Baby?

Written by Deborah Northcutt

April 26, 2010

Here are some tips to determine which car seat is the best.

1.  It should be safe.  All car seats sold in the U.S. must pass the same federal crash tests. Some car seats may have extra features that make them easier to install correctly, such as built-in locking clips or non-twisting straps. Because proper installation is key in car seat safety, these installation helpers may add safety for some people. However, even the cheapest car seat in the store, with no extra features, has passed the basic crash tests and is safe for your baby when installed properly.

2.  It must fit the baby.  Use your baby’s height, weight and age to choose the type of car seat to use. Rear-facing-only infant car seats are used through about 20 lbs. Convertible car seats are used rear-facing until baby is at least 1 year old and weighs at least 20 lbs., and forward-facing through the weight limit listed on the car seat. Height-wise, baby’s head should be one inch or more below the top of the car seat when rear-facing. For front-facing seats, the tops of baby’s ears should be below the seat top.

3.  It can be installed easily.  The most expensive, feature-rich car seat is not safe for your baby if you don’t take the time to read the directions and install it properly every time it is used. Check the car seat manual to be sure you can install and use the car seat as it is intended.

4.  It can be used easily.   You can just adjust the harness to secure the baby in the car seat or choose a car seat that you will use according to instructions.

5.  It should fit your vehicle.  With so many vehicle seat styles, from benches to buckets, not all car seats will fit in every vehicle. It is essential to find a car seat that can be installed tightly, with the proper angle and less than an inch of side-to-side wiggle.

Most reputable baby products stores will let you take a car seat floor model to your vehicle, possibly with a store employee, to check the fit before purchase. If not, check the return policy to be sure you can return the seat if it doesn’t fit the vehicle.

If all or most of the following criteria is present,  then this car seat is the best choice for your baby.

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